Odkryj moc platformy chmurowej – warsztaty i lunch z Cisco Meraki 2025!2025-01-21T10:40:59+01:00

Odkryj moc platformy chmurowej

warsztaty i lunch z Cisco Meraki!

Cisco Meraki - Odkryj moc platformy chmurowej
Cisco Meraki - Odkryj moc platformy chmurowej

W związku z ogromnym zainteresowaniem zapraszamy na IV edycję spotkania!

Rozszerzona, jeszcze bardziej ekscytująca dawka praktycznej wiedzy!

Dzięki technologii Cisco Meraki tworzenie i zarządzanie siecią stało się łatwiejsze, szybsze i inteligentniejsze niż do tej pory. 

Dotknij i przetestuj, aby poczuć różnicę i zobaczyć na własne oczy jak prosta może stać się Twoja praca dzięki urządzeniom Cisco Meraki!


Termin: 24.01 2025 od godziny 09:30 – poprzednie edycje cieszyły się ogromnym zainteresowaniem – dlatego zadbaj o swoje miejsce już dziś.

Miejsce: Cisco Systems Poland Sp. z o.o. ul. Domaniewska 39B, 02-672 Warszawa

Koszt: bezpłatnie.


  • 9:30: Rejestracja i poczęstunek
  • 10:00: Rozpoczęcie warsztatów
  • 10:10: Efektywność w chmurze: Aleksandra Sosnowska, Networking Experience Specialist w Cisco Systems opowie o optymalizacji operacji IT z rozwiązaniami Cisco Meraki
  • 11:00: Spotkanie z Meraki – zobaczysz jak urządzenia Meraki mogą wpłynąć na poprawę bezpieczeństwa w firmie oraz jak pozwolą zaoszczędzić Twój czas. Poznaj Meraki w praktyce!
  • 12:00: Cisco Meraki w praktyce: Współczesne podejście do zarządzania sieciami – Case study z wdrożenia Meraki przez Network Expert.
  • 12:15: Networking, rozmowa z ekspertami i panel dyskusyjny
  • 13:00: Lunch i zakończenie

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    Sprawdź i porównaj parametry sprzętowe Cisco Meraki

    Firewall Cisco Meraki

    MX68 (W/CW) MX75 MX85 MX95 MX105 MX250 MX450

    Dual Active WAN

    Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
    3G/4G Failover  Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
    Built-in LTE Modem* Yes Yes No No No No No No
    Built-in Wi-Fi** Yes Yes No No No No No No
    Built-in PoE+ No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
    WAN Fiber Connectivity No No SFP SFP SFP+ SFP+ SFP, SFP+ SFP, SFP+
    Dual Power Supply No No No No No Yes Yes Yes
    Form Factor Desktop Desktop Desktop 1U 1U 1U 1U 1U
    HTTPS Inspection Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
    Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
    Intrusion Detection and Prevention (SNORT IPS/IDS) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
    MX75 MX85 MX95 MX105 MX250 MX450
    Recommended Maximum Device Count 50 200 250 500 750 2,000 10,000
    MX75 MX85 MX95 MX105 MX250 MX450
    Maximum Site to Site VPN Tunnel Count 50 75 200 500 1,000 3,000 5,000
    Recommended Maximum Site to Site VPN Tunnel Count 50 75 100 250 500 1,000 1,500
    Maximum Number of Client VPN Tunnels  50 75 100 250 250 500 500
    Maximum Number of AnyConnect Sessions 100 250 250 500 750 1000 1500
    WAN Failover < 5 Sec < 5 Sec < 5 Sec < 5 Sec < 5 Sec < 5 Sec < 5 Sec
    Auto VPN Tunnel Failover Sub-second Sub-second Sub-second Sub-second Sub-second Sub-second Sub-second
    Dynamic Path Selection Sub-second Sub-second Sub-second Sub-second Sub-second Sub-second Sub-second
    MX75 MX85 MX95 MX105 MX250 MX450
    Maximum Concurrent Sessions 25,000 50,000 125,000 200,000 250,000 500,000 1,000,000
    MX75 MX85 MX95 MX105 MX250 MX450
    NGFW Throughput
    RFC2544 – 1518 Byte
    700 Mbps 1 Gbps 1 Gbps 2.5 Gbps 5 Gbps 7.5 Gbps 10 Gbps
    NGFW Throughput
    700 Mbps 1 Gbps 1 Gbps 2.5 Gbps 5 Gbps 7 Gbps 10 Gbps
    Advanced Security Throughput (Prevention)
    300 Mbps 500 Mbps 500 Mbps 1.5 Gbps 2 Gbps 1.5 Gbps 3.5 Gbps
    Advanced Security Throughput (Detection)
    400 Mbps 1 Gbps 1 Gbps 2 Gbps 2.5 Gbps 3.5 Gbps 7 Gbps
    Single Tunnel VPN Throughput RFC2544 1400 Byte  400 Mbps 1 Gbps 1 Gbps 2.0 Gbps 2.5 Gbps 3 Gbps 3.5 Gbps
    Multi-Tunnel VPN Throughput RFC2544 1400 Byte ≤ 400 Mbps 1 Gbps 1 Gbps 2.5 Gbps 3 Gbps 3.5 Gbps 4.5 Gbps
    Single Tunnel VPN Throughput EMIX 300 Mbps 1 Gbps 1 Gbps 1.5 Gbps 2 Gbps 2 Gbps 3 Gbps
    Multi-Tunnel VPN Throughput EMIX ≤300 Mbps ≤ 1 Gbps ≤ 1 Gbps ≤ 1.5 Gbps ≤ 2 Gbps ≤ 2 Gbps 4.5 Gbps

    Switch Cisco Meraki

    MS120 Series MS125 Series MS210 Series MS225 Series MS250 Series MS350Series
    Switches Access Switches Access Switches Stackable Access Switches Stackable Access Switches Stackable Access Switches Stackable Access Switches
    Recommended For Branch/basic access
    Secure LAN connectivity
    Layer 2 access switching
    Branch/basic access
    Secure LAN connectivity
    Layer 2 access switching
    Small campus deployments
    Secure LAN connectivity
    Basic Layer 3 connectivity
    Medium campus deployments
    Secure LAN connectivity
    Basic Layer 3 connectivity
    General purpose deployments
    Secure LAN connectivity
    Layer 3 access
    Hardware options for redundancy
    High-performance networks with media-rich applications
    Wireless-first environments
    Secure LAN connectivity
    Layer 3 access
    Hardware options for redundancy
    Interface 24 / 48 × gigabit ethernet 24 / 48 × gigabit ethernet 24 / 48 × gigabit ethernet 2 × stacking ports 1 × management port with auto-MDIX 24 / 48 × gigabit ethernet 2 × stacking ports 1 × management port with auto-MDIX 24 / 48 × gigabit ethernet 2 × stacking ports 1 × management port with auto-MDIX 24 / 48 × gigabit ethernet 2 × stacking ports 1 × management port with auto-MDIX
    Uplinks 4 × 1G (SFP) uplinks, dedicated 4 × 10G (SFP+) uplinks, dedicated 4 × 1G (SFP) uplinks, dedicated 4 × 10G (SFP+) uplinks, dedicated 4 × 10G (SFP+) uplinks, dedicated 4 × 10G (SFP+) uplinks, dedicated
    Stacking Virtual only Virtual only 80G (2 × 40G) Virtual MS225-compatible 80G (2 × 40G) Virtual MS210-compatible 80G (2 × 40G) Virtual 160G (2 × 80G) Virtual
    Internal Internal Internal RPS Supported*
    *Cisco RPS-2300
    Internal RPS Supported*
    *Cisco RPS-2300
    Removable PSU* Field Replaceable
    24/48: 250W PSU 24P/48LP: 640W PSU 48FP: 1025W PSU
    *Redundant PSU sold separately
    Removable PSU* Field Replaceable
    24/48: 250W PSU 24P/48LP: 640W PSU 48FP: 1025W PSU
    *Redundant PSU sold separately
    Available POE Power 24P: 370W (PoE, PoE+) 48LP: 370W (PoE, PoE+) 48FP: 740W (PoE, PoE+) 24P: 370W (PoE, PoE+) 48LP: 370W (PoE, PoE+) 48FP: 740W (PoE, PoE+) 24P: 370W (PoE, PoE+) 48LP: 370W (PoE, PoE+) 48FP: 740W (PoE, PoE+) 24P: 370W (PoE, PoE+) 48LP: 370W (PoE, PoE+) 48FP: 740W (PoE, PoE+) 24P: 370W (PoE, PoE+) 48LP: 370W (PoE, PoE+) 48FP: 740W (PoE, PoE+) 24P: 370W (PoE, PoE+) 48LP: 370W (PoE, PoE+) 48FP: 740W (PoE, PoE+)
    Switching Capacity MS120-24: 56Gbps
    MS120-48: 104Gbps
    MS125-24: 128Gbps
    MS125-48: 176bps
    MS210-24: 56Gbps
    MS210-48: 104Gbps
    MS225-24: 128Gbps
    MS225-48: 176Gbps
    MS250-24: 128Gbps
    MS250-48: 176Gbps
    MS350-24: 128Gbps
    MS350-48: 176Gbps
    Forwarding Rate MS120-24: 41.67Mpps
    MS120-48: 77.38Mpps
    MS125-24: 95.23Mpps
    MS125-48: 130.95Mpps
    MS210-24: 41.67Mpps
    MS210-48: 77.38Mpps
    MS225-24: 95.24Mpps
    MS225-48: 130.95Mpps
    MS250-24: 95.24Mpps
    MS250-48: 130.95Mpps
    MS350-24: 95.24Mpps
    MS350-48: 130.95Mpps
    MAC Entries MS120-24: 16K
    MS120-48: 32K
    MS125-24: 16K
    MS125-48: 32K
    MS210-24: 16K
    MS210-48: 32K
    MS225-24: 16K
    MS225-48: 32K
    MS250-24: 16K
    MS250-48: 32K
    MS250-24: 16K
    MS250-48: 32K
    Stacking Bandwith  —  — 80Gbps 80Gbps 80Gbps 160Gbps
    Routing Features DHCP Relay DHCP Relay Static routing only DHCP Relay Static routing only DHCP Relay Static + Dynamic routing DHCP Server + DHCP Relay Warm spare (VRRP) Static + Dynamic routing DHCP Server + DHCP Relay Warm spare (VRRP)
    Routed Interfaces 16 16 1024 8K
    Routed Hosts 4096 4096 4096 96K

    Indoor Access Point Cisco Meraki

    MR20 MR30H MR33 MR36 MR42 MR42E
    Usage Basic wireless, medium-density deployments In-room hotel or dormitory deployments that must service IP-enabled devices Basic 802.11ac Wave 2 for futureproof deployments High-performance Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) to futureproof deployments, with UL/DL MU-MIMO and OFMDA General purpose 802.11ac Wave 2 for campus and enterprise General purpose wireless, challenging RF, or focused coverage scenarios
    Radios 1 × 802.11b/g/n
    1 × 802.11a/n/ac
    1.3 Gbit/sec max rate
    2×2:2 MU-MIMO with beamforming
    1 × 802.11b/g/n
    1 × 802.11a/n/ac
    1 × WIDS/WIPS
    1 × Bluetooth
    1.3 Gbit/sec max rate
    2×2:2 MU-MIMO with beamforming
    1 × 802.11b/g/n
    1 × 802.11a/n/ac
    1 × WIDS/WIPS
    1 × Bluetooth
    1.3 Gbit/sec max rate
    2×2:2 MU-MIMO with beamforming
    1 × 2.4 Ghz 802.11b/g/n/ax
    1 × 5 GHz 802.11a/n/ac/ax
    1 × WIDS/WIPS
    1 × Bluetooth
    1.7 Gbit/sec max rate
    2×2:2 MU-MIMO with beamforming
    1 × 802.11b/g/n
    1 × 802.11a/n/ac
    1 × WIDS/WIPS
    1 × Bluetooth
    1.9 Gbit/sec max rate
    3×3:3 MU-MIMO with beamforming
    1 × 802.11b/g/n
    1 × 802.11a/n/ac
    1 × WIDS/WIPS
    1 × Bluetooth
    1.9 Gbit/sec max rate
    3×3:3 MU-MIMO with beamforming
    Interface 1 × Gigabit Ethernet port 1 × Gigabit Ethernet input
    1 × Gigabit Ethernet LAN port with 802.3af PoE
    3 × Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports
    1 × Gigabit Ethernet port 1 × Gigabit Ethernet port 1 × Gigabit Ethernet port 1 × Gigabit Ethernet port
    Power 802.3af PoE DC power adapter 802.3af PoE 802.3af PoE
    DC power adapter
    802.3af PoE
    DC power adapter
    802.3at/802.3af PoE
    DC power adapter
    802.3at PoE
    DC power adapter
    Performance Features 2×2:2 MU-MIMO
    Priority Voice, Power Save (802.11e/WMM)
    Hardware-accelerated encryption
    Band steering
    2×2:2 MU-MIMO
    Priority Voice, Power Save (802.11e/WMM)
    Hardware-accelerated encryption
    Band steering
    2×2:2 MU-MIMO
    Priority Voice, Power Save (802.11e/WMM)
    Hardware-accelerated encryption
    Band steering
    2×2:2 MU-MIMO and OFDMA
    160MHz Channels**
    Priority Voice, Power Save (802.11e/WMM)
    Hardware-accelerated encryption
    Band steering
    3×3:3 MU-MIMO
    Priority Voice, Power Save (802.11e/WMM)
    Hardware-accelerated encryption
    Band steering
    3×3:3 MU-MIMO
    Priority Voice, Power Save (802.11e/WMM)
    Hardware-accelerated encryption
    Band steering
    Removable antennas
    MR46 MR46E MR52 MR53 MR53E MR56
    Usage High-performance, Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) with Multigigabit Ethernet for high density campus and enterprise, with UL/DL MU-MIMO and OFMDA High-performance, Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) with Multigigabit Ethernet for high density, challenging RF, or focused coverage scenarios, with UL/DL MU-MIMO and OFMDA, and external antennas Highest performance 802.11ac Wave 2 for high density campus, enterprise, and MU-MIMO Highest performance 802.11ac Wave 2 with Multigigabit for high density campus, enterprise, and MU-MIMO Performance-critical wireless for high-density, challenging RF, or focused coverage scenarios Ultra High-performance, Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) with Multigigabit Ethernet for high density campus and enterprise, with UL/DL MU-MIMO and OFMDA
    Radios 1 × 2.4 Ghz 802.11b/g/n/ax
    1 × 5 GHz 802.11a/n/ac/ax
    1 × WIDS/WIPS
    1 × Bluetooth
    3.5 Gbit/sec max rate
    4×4:4 MU-MIMO with beamforming
    1 × 2.4 Ghz 802.11b/g/n/ax
    1 × 5 GHz 802.11a/n/ac/ax
    1 × WIDS/WIPS
    1 × Bluetooth
    3.5 Gbit/sec max rate
    4×4:4 MU-MIMO and OFDMA with beam forming
    1 × 802.11b/g/n
    1 × 802.11a/n/ac
    1 × WIDS/WIPS
    1 × Bluetooth
    2.5 Gbit/sec max rate
    4×4:4 MU-MIMO with beamforming
    1 × 802.11b/g/n
    1 × 802.11a/n/ac
    1 × WIDS/WIPS
    1 × Bluetooth
    2.5 Gbit/sec max rate
    4×4:4 MU-MIMO with beamforming
    1 × 802.11b/g/n
    1 × 802.11a/n/ac
    1 × WIDS/WIPS
    1 × Bluetooth
    2.5 Gbit/sec max rate
    4×4:4 MU-MIMO with beamforming
    1 × 2.4 GHz 802.11b/g/n/ax
    1 × 5 Ghz 802.11a/n/ac/ax
    1 × WIDS/WIPS
    1 × Bluetooth
    5.9 Gbit/sec max rate
    8×8:8 MU-MIMO with beamforming
    Interface 1 × 2.5 Gbps Multigigabit Ethernet port 1 × 2.5 Gbps Multigigabit Ethernet port 2 × Gigabit Ethernet port 1 × 2.5Gbps Multigigabit Ethernet port
    1 × Gigabit Ethernet port
    1 × 2.5Gbps Multigigabit Ethernet port
    1 × Gigabit Ethernet port
    1 × 5 Gbps Multigigabit Ethernet port
    Power 802.3at PoE
    DC power adapter
    802.3at PoE
    DC power adapter
    802.3at PoE
    DC power adapter
    802.3at PoE
    DC power adapter
    802.3at PoE
    DC power adapter
    802.3at PoE
    DC power adapter
    Performance Features 4×4:4 UL/DL MU-MIMO and OFDMA
    160 MHz Channels**
    Priority Voice, Power Save (802.11e/WMM)
    Hardware-accelerated encryption
    Band steering
    4×4:4 UL/DL MU-MIMO and OFDMA
    160 MHz Channels**
    Priority Voice, Power Save (802.11e/WMM)
    Hardware-accelerated encryption
    Band steering
    Removable antennas
    4×4:4 MU-MIMO
    Priority Voice, Power Save (802.11e/WMM)
    Hardware-accelerated encryption
    Band steering
    4×4:4 MU-MIMO
    Priority Voice, Power Save (802.11e/WMM)
    Hardware-accelerated encryption
    Band steering
    4×4:4 MU-MIMO
    Priority Voice, Power Save (802.11e/WMM)
    Hardware-accelerated encryption Band steering
    Removable antennas
    8×8:8 UL/DL MU-MIMO and OFDMA
    160 MHz Channels**
    Priority Voice, Power Save (802.11e/WMM)
    Hardware-accelerated encryption
    Band steering
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