Instalacja Cisco UCME (dawniej Call Manager Express)
Zostaną dodane dwa telefony jeden Cisco IP Communicator (SCCP) oraz X-lite (SIP). Należy po dodaniu telefonów zweryfikować czy możliwe jest nawiązanie połączenia.
Konfiguracja routera
voice service voip
allow-connections h323 to h323
allow-connections h323 to sip
allow-connections sip to h323
registrar server
voice register global
mode cme
source-address port 5060
max-dn 10
max-pool 10
authenticate register
create profile sync 0000745530939123
voice register dn 10
number 300
voice register pool 1
id mac 0050.56C0.0000 // tu podajemy adres mac swojego komputera
number 1 dn 10
username nazwa password hasło
codec g711ulaw
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
>duplex auto
speed auto
telephony-service max-ephones 10 max-dn 10 ip source-address port 2000 auto assign 1 to 10 create cnf-files ! ephone-dn 1 dual-line number 100 ! ephone-dn 2 dual-line number 200 ! ! ephone 1 mac-address 0050.56C0.0008 /// tu podajemy adres mac swojego komputera type CIPC button 1:1 2:2 !
Konfiguracja Cisco IP Communicator
Weryfikujemy czy IP communicator zalogował się do CME:
router#sh ephone registered
ephone-1 Mac:0050.56C0.0008 TCP socket:[1] activeLine:0 REGISTERED in SCCP ver 9 and Server in ver 8
mediaActive:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0 caps:7
IP: 2057 CIPC keepalive 0 max_line 8
button 1: dn 1 number 100 CH1 IDLE CH2 IDLE
button 2: dn 2 number 200 CH1 IDLE CH2 IDLE
Konfiguracja X-lite
Weryfikujemy podłączenie softphonu SIP:
Router#sh voice register pool 1
Pool Tag 1
Mac address is 0050.56C0.0008
Number list 1 : DN 10
Proxy Ip address is
DTMF Relay is disabled
Call Waiting is enabled
DnD is disabled
keep-conference is enabled
username xien password polonez
service-control mechanism is not supported
registration Call ID is NjJkZjIxNzA4NmI5OGViZDM0ZTRjZjhiNDFhMjIwNjY.
active primary line is: 300
contact IP address: port 5060
Dialpeers created:
dial-peer voice 40001 voip
destination-pattern 300
session target ipv4:
session protocol sipv2
codec g711ulaw bytes 160
after-hours-exempt FALSE
Active registrations : 1
Total Registration Statistics
Registration requests : 4
Registration success : 4
Registration failed : 0
unRegister requests : 3
unRegister success : 3
unRegister failed : 0